Privacy Policy


Mayo Brothers Ltd is a retail butcher.  Mayo Brothers Ltd  holds information about its subscribers, customers, suppliers & employees


Mayo Brothers Ltd will hold data legitimised by legal and contractual obligation, consent or in the legitimate interest of its subscribers or those employed. Mayo Brothers Ltd makes every effort to ensure that data held is valid, accurate, sufficient, and appropriate for the purpose(s) intended for.


Personal data is information which can be used to identify individuals who have subscriptions, are customers, suppliers or employed by the Mayo Brothers Ltd , this may include, names, addresses, contact numbers, emails.

The data stored will be used for providing subscribed online customers with a marketing information if they have opted in. Customers, suppliers and employees for legal & contractual obligations, legitimate interest, accounting, HR & payroll. 


Information is stored in an electronic database system in a secured site.

In the event of a breach, unauthorised use, or loss of data Mayo Brothers Ltd  undertakes to inform the appropriate authorities and the persons concerned within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach.


Customers, suppliers, employees & subscribers  have the right to request a copy of the data Mayo Brothers Ltd holds, to correct inaccuracies or be removed. Requests must be made in writing to 32 Bois Lane, Amersham, HP6 6BP or & will be responded to within 40 days.